I have a few questions to Commissioner Malmström. Thank you very much. I liked your mentioned proverbs, the Greek and the Chinese one. To follow up on this, don‘t you think that the EU-wide response risks being too little and too late in comparison to measures already in place. Among G7 countries, many of which – including the U.S., the U.K. and Japan – are looking to tighten their already existing investment screening mechanisms. Because, when I look at the Commission proposal, it looks like a middle of the road compromise.
My second question is, of course, the decision will be taken in the Council and the true litmus test will be the Council later in 2018, which must pass the regulation by qualified majority voting. Taking into account the state of play in southern, eastern and central European countries and the coalition of them in the Council don‘t you think that they could water down the proposal or the Council could kill it altogether.
My last question is about strategic sectors and the definition of strategic sectors as how to avoid a loose interpretation but still be forward looking regarding new technologies in fast growing fields, for instance artificial intelligence.